Dow’s proprietary production process gives CALIBRE PC resins very high ductility and toughness over a wide temperature range. That means you can take advantage of a broad continuum of CALIBRE PC resins developed for a diverse range of applications such as optical media, sheets and profiles, electrical and lighting, just to name a few.
CALIBRE PC polycarbonate resins offer an exceptional combination of clarity, heat resistance and impact resistance. They can be modified to enhance specific performance requirements, including color, ignition resistance, UV stability, and improved mold release. CALIBRE PC polycarbonate resins are also suitable for self-coloring.
Dow's broad range of CALIBRE PC resins are grouped into different series based on key performance attributes such as FDA compliance, ignition resistance and glass-reinforcement.
Any medical application requires a Dow business assessment prior to the sale or sampling of Dow products. Please refer to the link provided for Dow's Medical Application Policy.
CALIBRE PC 聚碳酸酯樹脂在透明性、耐熱性和耐沖擊性能方面具有優異的綜合性能。這種材料經過改性后可以提高特定的功能要求,包括顏色、阻燃性、紫外線穩定性和以及改進后的脫模性能等。CALIBRE PC聚碳酸酯樹脂也適用于色母染色。陶氏化學公司(陶氏)的PROMATCHSM 色母染色服務提供有關的應用支持。
陶氏可提供品種廣泛的CALIBRE PC樹脂。這些產品按照符合FDA標準、阻燃性能和玻璃纖維增強等主要功能指標分成不同的產品系列。
陶氏專有的制造工藝賦予CALIBRE PC 樹脂在很大的溫度范圍內具有非常高的延展性和韌性。這就使得您可以充分利用為廣泛應用開發的品種豐富的CALIBRE PC樹脂,這些應用包括光學介質、片材和型材等,不一而足。
為什么你需要陶式工程塑料CALIBRE PC ,請看DOW工程塑料CALIBRE PC 的應用.
"DOW工程塑料CALIBRE PC聚碳酸酯樹脂介紹"由“工程塑料公司”-深圳易欣園塑料化工整理發布,如需轉載請注明來源及出處,原文地址:http://www.gcskzxw.cn/news/DOWGongChengSuLiaoCALIBRE_PCJuTanSuanZhiShuZhiJieShao/
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