Think of Celcon® acetal copolymer if your design requires wear resistance, high flexural fatigue strength, toughness and creep resistance.
Celcon acetal copolymer is comparable to Hostaform® POM and offers high strength and rigidity over a broad temperature range, low wear, toughness and resistance to repeated impact. These products are notable for their superior dimensional stability, long-term creep resistance, long-term fatigue resistance and excellent resistance to moisture, chemicals and fuels, even oxygenated fuels and gasohol. Celcon products are used extensively in injection molding and are also readily processable by other conventional techniques such as extrusion, compression molding, rotational molding and blow molding. In addition, Celcon acetal copolymer is suitable for 2-component hard-soft molding with thermoplastic elastomers, including SEBS, a styrene based elastomer.
Celcon acetal copolymer can be supplied as unfilled polymer of varying viscosities and as specialty grades which include glass reinforced, impact modified, UV resistant, low gloss, static dissipative, low wear, bleach resistant and laser markable products. Certain specialty grades offer outstanding properties for fuel and plumbing applications. Celcon grades that comply with FDA, UL and NSF are available. Medical technology (MT™) grades that comply with USP Class VI guidelines are excellent candidates for dry powder inhalers, insulin pens and other medical devices, and a Drug Master File (No.16661) has been created. All Celcon products are available in a wide array of colors which do not contain heavy metals i.e. Cd, Hg, Pb, Cr(VI), and virtually all colors can be matched.
Due to their versatility, Celcon products are used in numerous applications such as gears, springs, clips, snap-fits, knobs and gaskets for fuel system components, toys, washing machines, hand tools, shower heads and seat belt buckles. Celcon is also used to produce sheets, rod and slab stock shapes that can be machined to tight tolerance.
如果您的設計需要耐磨、高疲勞強度、高韌性和高抗蠕變性,請考慮選用Celcon 共聚甲醛。
Celcon共聚甲醛和Hostaform® POM一樣,在很寬的溫度范圍內,保持高強度和高剛性。而且它具有低磨耗、高韌性和抗反復沖擊。這些產品因其優異的尺寸穩定性、長期抗蠕變性、長期抗疲勞、耐濕、耐化學,以及耐燃油而著名。它們甚至耐氧化性燃油和酒精汽油混合燃料。Celcon產品被廣泛地應用于注塑成型,但也同樣適用于其它傳統加工技術,如擠出、壓塑、滾塑和吹塑等工藝成型。此外,Celcon共聚甲醛也可與熱塑性彈性體一起進行雙組分(軟硬雙組分)成型,熱塑性彈性體包括苯乙烯基彈性體(SEBS)等。
為什么你需要Ticona工程塑料Celcon POM,請看?泰科納工程塑料Celcon POM的應用
"Ticona Celcon POM-共聚甲醛"由“工程塑料公司”-深圳易欣園塑料化工整理發布,如需轉載請注明來源及出處,原文地址:http://www.gcskzxw.cn/news/Ticona_Celcon_POM_GongJuJiaQuan/
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